jQuery UI Timepicker (By François Gélinas)

What is this?

This is a jQuery UI time picker plugin build to match with other official jQuery UI widgets. Based on the existing date picker, it will blend nicely with your form and use your selected jQuery UI theme. The plugin is very easy to integrate in your form for you time (hours / minutes) inputs.

Licensed under the same license as jQuery : MIT and GPL licenses

Default time picker : [Show code]

Time picker with period (AM/PM) in input and with hours leading 0s : [Show code]

Time picker with labels in another language (Français) : [Show code]

Time picker with restricted (disabled) hours / minutes. 8:30 PM to 6:30 AM disabled : [Show code]

Define when the time picker is shown with the showOn option and set a trigger element with the button option
[Show code]

Time picker without the AM/PM labels on the left (showPeriodLabels option set to false: [Show code]

Custom defined hours range (Business hours 6am to 7pm) and minutes increment set to 15 instead of 5, on 3 rows [Show code]

Input for hours only : , input for minutes only : [Show code]

onSelect (hours and minutes both trigger event), beforeShow and onClose events : [Show code]

Inline time picker : Alternate field :

[Show code]


    // Options
    timeSeparator: ':',           // The character to use to separate hours and minutes. (default: ':')
    showLeadingZero: true,        // Define whether or not to show a leading zero for hours < 10. (default: true)
    showMinutesLeadingZero: true, // Define whether or not to show a leading zero for minutes < 10. (default: true)
    showPeriod: false,            // Define whether or not to show AM/PM with selected time. (default: false)
    showPeriodLabels: true,       // Define if the AM/PM labels on the left are displayed. (default: true)
    periodSeparator: ' ',         // The character to use to separate the time from the time period.
    altField: '#alternate_input', // Define an alternate input to parse selected time to
    defaultTime: '12:34',         // Used as default time when input field is empty or for inline timePicker
                                  // (set to 'now' for the current time, '' for no highlighted time, default value: now)

    zIndex: null,                 // Overwrite the default zIndex used by the time picker

    // trigger options
    showOn: 'focus',              // Define when the timepicker is shown.
                                  // 'focus': when the input gets focus, 'button' when the button trigger element is clicked,
                                  // 'both': when the input gets focus and when the button is clicked.
    button: null,                 // jQuery selector that acts as button trigger. ex: '#trigger_button'

    // Localization
    hourText: 'Hour',             // Define the locale text for "Hours"
    minuteText: 'Minute',         // Define the locale text for "Minute"
    amPmText: ['AM', 'PM'],       // Define the locale text for periods

    // Position
    myPosition: 'left top',       // Corner of the dialog to position, used with the jQuery UI Position utility if present.
    atPosition: 'left bottom',    // Corner of the input to position

    // Events
    onSelect: onSelectCallback,   // Define a callback function when an hour / minutes is selected.
    onClose: onCloseCallback,     // Define a callback function when the timepicker is closed.
    onHourShow: onHourShow,       // Define a callback to enable / disable certain hours. ex: function onHourShow(hour)
    onMinuteShow: onMinuteShow,   // Define a callback to enable / disable certain minutes. ex: function onMinuteShow(hour, minute)

    // custom hours and minutes
    hours: {
        starts: 0,                // First displayed hour
        ends: 23                  // Last displayed hour
    minutes: {
        starts: 0,                // First displayed minute
        ends: 55,                 // Last displayed minute
        interval: 5               // Interval of displayed minutes
    rows: 4,                      // Number of rows for the input tables, minimum 2, makes more sense if you use multiple of 2
    showHours: true,              // Define if the hours section is displayed or not. Set to false to get a minute only dialog
    showMinutes: true             // Define if the minutes section is displayed or not. Set to false to get an hour only dialog

Releases :

0.2.4 - August 5, 2011
Fixed the hand cursor in the css file. (Thanks Mike Neumegen)
Added position option to use with the jquery ui position utility.
Added option to display only hours or only minutes.
0.2.3 - July 11, 2011
Fix github issue #3 : Bug when hours or minutes choices does not divide by number of rows (thanks wukimus).
Changed default behavior of the defaultTime option, if set to '' and input is empty, there will be no highlighted time in the popup (Thanks Rasmus Schultz)
Fix github issue #4 : Error when generating empty minute cell. (Thanks 123Haynes)
Fix github issue #5 : Add functionality for "getTime" option. (Thanks edanuff)
Added the periodSeparator option. (thanks jrchamp)
Fixed "getTime" for inline timepickers. (thanks Mike Neumegen)
Added "getHour" and "getMinute" to get individual values.
New page interface, about time :)
0.2.2 - June 16, 2011
Fixed a "console.log" line that I forgot to remove before release 0.2.1. (Thanks Derek Lavine)
0.2.1 - June 8, 2011
Timepicker does not give the focus back to the input any more after time selection. This is similar to the datepicker behaviour and is more natural to the user because it shows the dialog again when the user click on the input again, as expected.
Added options to customize the hours and minutes ranges and interval for more customization.
0.2 - May 28, 2011
In the last release, I messed up versions and lost some changes so I'm fixing all this up with release 0.2
0.1.2 - May 26, 2011
Fixed a bug with inline timepickers that would append a #timepickr hashtag when selecting hours and minutes.
Fixed z-index problem with IE6 (Thanks Graham Bentley)
Added selection of highlighted text when enter is pressed on the input field (Thanks Glen Chiacchieri)
Adjusted some focus problems, now the input gets the focus back when the used click on hours / minutes.
0.1.something aka the lost release - around April 11
Fixed a bug for when input Id had a dot in it, it was getting double escaped when it should not. (Thanks Zdenek Machac)
So in 0.1.1 I created a bug that made timepicker changes the location hash, well now it's fixed. (Thanks Lucas Falk)
0.1.1 - April 6, 2011
Changed the cells click and dblclick binding for faster rendering in IE6/7 (Thanks Blair Parsons)
Fixed a class naming bug created in 0.1.0 (Thanks Morlion Peter)
0.1.0 - March 23, 2011
Fixed some bugs with version 0.0.9
0.0.9 - March 22, 2011
Added zIndex option (Thanks Frank Enderle)
Added showPeriodLabels option (default: true) to show/hide AM/PM labels on the left (thanks Frank Enderle)
Added showOn ['focus'|'button'|'both'] and button options for alternate trigger method
0.0.8 - February 17, 2011
Fixed close event not triggered when switching to another input with time picker (thanks Stuart Gregg)
0.0.7 - February 10, 2011
Added function to set time after initialisation :$('#timepicker').timepicker('setTime',newTime);
Added support for disabled period of time : onHourShow and onMinuteShow (thanks Rene Felgenträger)
0.0.6 - January 19, 2011
Replaced some div with tables to : fix some display bugs in IE7, fix inline display and fix my headhake.
Added standard "change" event being triggered on the input when the content changes. (Thanks Rasmus Schultz)
Added support for inline timePicker, attached to div or span.
Added altField that receive the parsed time value when selected time changes.
Added defaultTime value to use when input field is missing (inline) or input value is empty. If defaultTime is missing then current time is used.
0.0.5 - January 18, 2011
Now updating time picker selected value when manually typing in the text field (thanks Rasmus Schultz)
Another step toward inline time picker ?
Fixed : with showPeriod: true and showLeadingZero: true, PM hours did not show leading zeros (thanks Chandler May)
Fixed : with showPeriod: true and showLeadingZero: true, Selecting 12 AM shows as 00 AM in the input field, also parsing 12AM did not work correctly (thanks Rasmus Schultz)
0.0.4 - January 10, 2011
Changed showLeadingZero to affect only hours, added showMinutesLeadingZero for minutes display.
Changed the default value of timeSeparator from 'h' to ':'.
Removed width:100% on tables in the css, caused a bug in some browsers.
0.0.3 - January 8, 2011
Fixed a bug with the widget not displaying with some jQuery UI 1.8.7 css. (Thanks Alexander Fietz)
Fixed a display bug on page load, a small empty div was visible at the bottom of pages. (Thanks Gertjan van Roekel)
Modified the jquery-ui-timepicker.css to make the widget more dynamic to style and sizes changes.
0.0.2 - January 4, 2011
Added showPeriod: period (AM/PM) in input and showLeadingZero: to control display of number < 10. (big thanks Steve Commisso)
0.0.1 - December 2010
First release

To Do :

  • Possibility to use the timepicker for hours only, or minutes only.
  • Change the code style to use the jQuery widget framework.
  • Detect a second click on the same cell and close the picker (ie: the user selected hours and do not want to select different minutes or vice versa, and click twice on the same cell instead) This is already simulated with the handling of the double click.

Download Timepicker

Current version : 0.2.4 - released August 5, 2011

Get it on github

Download from here (.zip)

I put a lot of time and effort in this project. If you like it, please pay me a beer donate

Instruction for legacy jQuery integration (jQuery 1.2.6 and jQuery UI 1.6)

  • Get the legacy package here , built with jQuery Timepicker 0.2.4 but should work with newer versions
  • Make sure to include jquery-1.2.6.js, jquery.fix.for.1.2.6.js and jquery.ui.1.6.all.js
  • See the working example in index.html in the "legacy_1.2.6" folder.
  • Support for previous versions of jquery is limited.